Happy Winter Solstice

I love both the introspective and quiet nature of winter and night, as well as the hope-filled passing of the shortest day-longest night. . . and the return of light. Last winter solstice we marked this day with lanterns and light, a fire and neighbours, and poetry – letting the light shine right into our souls.

And I was very proud of the girls (and adults) for having the courage to share some poems out-loud. It was a beautiful night.

Happy Winter Solstice to you and yours. Wishing you peace and hope, Kate

PS – I read “Blackberries” by Margaret Atwood (I can’t make it through without a tear; in Dearly: Poems). My daughter read “Coyote Carolers” by Deborah Ruddell (in A Whiff of Pine, A Hint of Skunk: A Forest of Poems) because she wanted to howl like a coyote.