Going to the Garden

Once we are out of bed, brushed and washed, my daughter and I have been starting our day with a walk through the garden. It is a good way to begin. We just wander slowly, look around, and see what is new. I learn from her (she notices things I don’t) and she learns from me. We are mother and daughter, just being together looking, sharing, chatting, doing, and enjoying the plants and our time. There is nothing formal planned in terms of education or homeschool, and yet it is a very natural way of learning.

We will often collect a couple leaves of the mint or the chocolate-mint, or maybe the lemon balm or lavender to make a tea. And a sweet pea snack along the way.

Earlier this week, we combined our walk around with a little harvest to make decorated focaccia bread with. It was a fun garden/art/cooking activity. My daughter was engaged through the whole process…and it was yummy!

We missed the sourdough trend, but I’m glad we gave this decorated focaccia bread a try. Kate